You are invited to visit or join one of our small groups…
Wednesday Evening Bible Study- Wednesdays (September-November, January- April) at 6:30 pm in Hodges Hall.
Coffee with the Pastor- On the 1st and 3rd Wednesday of the month, 10 am at the Vestibule.
Monthly Meetups- Typically meets on a Thursday during the month. The time and location will be announced that month. This group is for everyone to fellowship with one another.
Women's Small Groups- meets monthly. For more information click here.
Spiritual and Physical Fitness Wellness Group- Every Monday, 5:15-6:30 pm in Hodges Hall.
VIMs (Very Important Methodists) is a group of active members age 70+ who meet every fourth Monday in Hodges Hall to enjoy a catered lunch, fellowship and a program.
Coffee with the Pastor- On the 1st and 3rd Wednesday of the month, 10 am at the Vestibule.
Monthly Meetups- Typically meets on a Thursday during the month. The time and location will be announced that month. This group is for everyone to fellowship with one another.
Women's Small Groups- meets monthly. For more information click here.
Spiritual and Physical Fitness Wellness Group- Every Monday, 5:15-6:30 pm in Hodges Hall.
VIMs (Very Important Methodists) is a group of active members age 70+ who meet every fourth Monday in Hodges Hall to enjoy a catered lunch, fellowship and a program.