Adult Classes
Broad Street has some great opportunities for Adult Sunday School.
Everyone is welcome to visit our Classes.
We encourage you to choose your class by topic.
Sunday School begins at 9:30 am.
Young Adult Class
Location: Upstairs in Rogers Educational Building
Journey Class
Book Study
Location: Adult Wing Upstairs (First door on the right)
Pathfinders Class
Book Study
Location: Hodges Hall (Downstairs in the Children's Building)
Lawrence Reddeck Class
International Bible Lessons for Christian Teaching
Location: Chapel (In the Main Building downstairs)
Children & Youth Classes
Toddler ( Ages 2-4k)
Location: Toddler Room (Downstairs in the Children's Sunday School
building next door to the Nursery
Young Elementary 5K- 2nd Grades
Location: Downstairs in the Children's Building at the end of the hall.
Children (3rd-5th grades)
Location: Upstairs in the Children's Building.
Youth (6th-12th grade)
Location: Youth Room (Upstairs in the main Building)
Broad Street has some great opportunities for Adult Sunday School.
Everyone is welcome to visit our Classes.
We encourage you to choose your class by topic.
Sunday School begins at 9:30 am.
Young Adult Class
Location: Upstairs in Rogers Educational Building
Journey Class
Book Study
Location: Adult Wing Upstairs (First door on the right)
Pathfinders Class
Book Study
Location: Hodges Hall (Downstairs in the Children's Building)
Lawrence Reddeck Class
International Bible Lessons for Christian Teaching
Location: Chapel (In the Main Building downstairs)
Children & Youth Classes
Toddler ( Ages 2-4k)
Location: Toddler Room (Downstairs in the Children's Sunday School
building next door to the Nursery
Young Elementary 5K- 2nd Grades
Location: Downstairs in the Children's Building at the end of the hall.
Children (3rd-5th grades)
Location: Upstairs in the Children's Building.
Youth (6th-12th grade)
Location: Youth Room (Upstairs in the main Building)